Stations of the Christmas Story
1. Promise of John’s Birth (Luke 1:5-25)
Lord, God, the promise of John’s birth reminds us that with You all things are possible. Even the barren and the elderly are able to enjoy the gift of new birth. May we also look to You for provision when situations seem impossible.
2. Annunciation of Jesus’ Birth (Luke 1:26-38)
Lord, God, through Your servant, Gabriel, You revealed to Mary that she was to bear Jesus, Your Son. May we respond to You with the same willingness that Mary had. May we carry Jesus in our lives as we fulfill Your calling.
3. Mary Visits Elizabeth (Luke 1:39-56)
Lord, God, just as Mary found comfort when visiting her cousin, Elizabeth, help us to encourage one another in the ways of Your kingdom. Your Spirit is at work in each of us. Help us to have eyes to see Your signs and ears to hear Your voice.
4. Birth of John the Baptist (Luke 1:57-80)
Lord, God, You sent John to be a voice to prepare the way for Your Son. May we hear his words and follow his example as we prepare our hearts to receive Jesus. May we reorder our lives around the coming of Your Kingdom through Jesus, Your Son.
5. Journey to Bethlehem (Luke 2:1-5)
Lord, God, Joseph and Mary went on a journey to reach the birthplace of Your Son. At many places the trip was difficult, but You were with them. Help us to endure in our journey of faith, knowing that You are with us. Bring us to where we need to be.
6. The Birth of Jesus (Luke 2:6-7)
Lord, God, at the birth of Jesus, Mary and Joseph witnessed the fulfillment of Your promises of salvation and grace. Help us to witness Your promises through faith in Jesus and to celebrate His presence with us.
7. The Shepherds Worship the Savior (Luke 2:8-20)
Lord, God, You revealed to the shepherds the birth of Your Son through the choir of heavenly angels. Reveal to us also the joy and the blessings of Jesus. May our voices sing of the great deeds that You have accomplished.
8. Presentation of Jesus in the Temple (Luke 2:21-40)
Lord, God, Your confirmed the importance of Your Son through Simeon and Anna. Like them, may we bear witness to Jesus in a world that needs Him. Instill in us a passion for Your kingdom so that we may become a blessing to others.
9. The Wise Men Bring Gifts (Matthew 2:1-12)
Lord, God, just as You gave gifts of knowledge and understanding to the wise men, help us to respond as they did with giving and adoration. Let our lives be worship to You and our gifts an offering of praise.
10 Flight to Egypt (Matthew 2:13-18)
Lord, God, just as You protected Jesus from Herod’s wicked plans, protect us also from those who would seek to harm us or disrupt Your work in our lives. Guide us along paths that fulfill Your purposes for us.
11. Return to Nazareth (Matthew 2:19-23)
Lord, God, Your timing was perfect for calling Jesus, Mary, and Joseph to return to Nazareth. Help us to follow Your timing in our life decisions and priorities. May we follow Your voice unconditionally each time that You speak.
12. Jesus Teaching in the Temple (Luke 2:41-52)
Lord, God, You blessed the teachers in the temple with the wisdom of Your Son. May we also learn from Him. Help us to hear His voice in the important places of our lives and follow His example in all that we do.