Christ comes into our lives every day: in the faces of the
people we meet, in the words of Scripture, in the promptings of the Holy
Spirit, in the silent moments spent in the car or at home. The important
question is: can we recognize Him in the ordinary ways that He is present to
us? Can we find Him in daily life?
Paul tells us in Colossians 3:4: “Your real life is Christ
and when he appears, then you too will appear with him and share his glory” (Good News Translation). In explaining
this passage, well known theologian and author, Rowan Williams, says: “Paul
writes as though the reality of Christ’s life in his people never completely
becomes visible in this life, in this world: the deepest truth of who we are in
Jesus Christ is hidden” (Advent Letter,
Dec. 2, 2012). Let us consider Williams’ words: there is a “hidden” quality of
our faith. What can we learn from this “hiddenness?”
It is natural for us to feel lonely or isolated at times in
our spiritual journey. Paul wrote in 1 Corinthians 13:12: “Now we see but a
poor reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in
part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.” At this stage in
life, our relationship with God is mediated, to a large extent, through our
five senses. We struggle to “see” God with our earthly means. As we grow in
faith however, we gain “confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what
we do not see” (see: Hebrews 11:1). We begin to catch glimpses of Christ in
daily life and in our Christian imagination. We also realize that God’s help is
needed to find Christ. Time needs to be spent listening for and seeking Him. We
must “be still” before Him (see: Psalm 46:10).
As the drama of Christmas continues to unfold before us this
Advent, can we find Christ? Can His message and grace reach us? Let us be
intentional about seeking Him, asking God for help with prayer, slowing down to
notice things, using an Advent devotional or other scriptural devotional,
turning off the radio in our cars for prayer or silence, praying before eating,
praying deeply during church, singing and listening to Christmas carols, and finding
joy in Christmas traditions. As we gather each week in Advent to prepare for
and celebrate our Lord’s birth, let us remember God’s promise that those who
seek Him will find what they are looking for (Matthew 7:7; Jeremiah 29:13;
Proverbs 8:17): Immanuel, God with us, a true reason for celebration and
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