Thursday, April 30, 2015

The Gift of New Life

One of the most powerful experiences I can claim as a dad is having watched my children being born. Each time I found myself marveling at their entry into this world and being in awe of their tiny features and sounds. It is a very short moment in time, but leaves a very large impression of the beauty of God’s gift of new life.

We may remember that in the opening chapters of Genesis God created life on earth, taking chaos and unlivable space and transforming it into livable space where we could thrive. God was pleased with this gift of new life and called it tov, which is the Hebrew word for “good.” Then he rested from His work of creation.

I was struck recently when I compared the Genesis account of creation with my experience at the birth of my childen. In both cases there were elements of chaos, transformation, and rest. When a mother holds and feeds her newborn child it is tov. When a family gathers to meet their newest member it is tov.

It is important for us to share stories of the good things that God has done in our lives. What are the experiences that we can describe as tov? What do we believe about God’s transforming work in our lives? Has He brought us or is He bringing us from chaos into rest? Have we experienced marvel and awe in the signs and examples of new life around us?

Please consider sharing your stories of new life with others. May each of us experience God’s gift of new life in many ways.

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