Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Three Reasons to Grow in Community

Every week, Sunday school teachers and volunteers gather to create opportunities for people of all ages in congregations to learn more about God. A similar thing also happens during the week when small groups, Bible study participants, and others take time to grow in their faith together. An important observation to make about this is that these people have found something valuable in community for their spiritual journey. What is it that they have found?

I cannot speak for everyone, but for me three dynamics are at work when we learn about God with others: first, the Spirit dynamic (when two or more are gathered in Christ’s name our experience of God’s presence is heightened), second, the Word dynamic (when believers discuss scripture together they have a richer potential for gaining insight and understanding), and finally the Community dynamic (when people grow together new and greater possibilities open up for support, fellowship, and friendship). I would like to unpack each of these dynamics below.

Spirit dynamic: The apostle Paul describes the Christian community as a body with many members (1 Corinthians 12). Each member of the body is connected with the others (needing to receive important things from them) and has a unique contribution to make for the good of the others. We can expect for the Holy Spirit to work powerfully in us in a special way when we take time to interact with and serve each other. If we make time to grow together the Spirit will help us experience God’s grace through others and find fulfillment in using our gifts for the benefit of the community. 

Word dynamic: The author of Ecclesiastes says: “Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their toil. For if they fall, one will lift up the other…A threefold cord is not quickly broken” (Ecclesiastes 4:9-10, 12, NRSV). As this passage suggests, we can gain greater wisdom, understanding, and insight and be encouraged and strengthened in exceptional ways when we grow together. When we gather around the Word we can expect for God to speak powerfully through our sharing, questions, and attentiveness to the promise of new life. 

Community dynamic: Growing in community plays a vital role in replenishing our energy and offering support, encouragement, and inspiration. Many of us have benefited from this as we have shared our lives with others in Sunday school or small groups, received prayer, gone deeper in our understanding of God’s Word, and enjoyed fun times of fellowship. Many churches highly value relationships and the mutual support that individuals can give and receive through doing life together. Churches are able to enjoy these blessings when space is provided for connecting their individuals. If your church is not doing this already consider exploring it and be prepared for renewal and growth as you make space for connecting people through Christ in the dynamic relationship of Spirit, Word, and Community.

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